Sunday, June 10, 2007

Women In Technology

I've been working in technology and in a heavily male dominated field - I was the ONLY woman in many cases. In fact, in my first job I was the only female technical employee of 500. That was an interesting statistic. So if you are a woman working in the technology field - let me know about your job and what you like / don't like about it. I believe many of the problems of small numbers stem from the earliest age of childhood, through lack of exposure and education. Parents should encourage technology exploration in their kids - this results in increased curiosity and later more education in technical fields of study. An interesting statistic recently from Sigma Pi Sigma (Physics society) is that 4% of the U.S. Physicists are women but women are 42% of the physicist in Europe! What is it about society that creates numbers like these? The U.S. has a huge problem today that is growing of ANYONE going into technical fields of study regardless of gender. These discussions will make for some interesting posts and some interesting technology discussions. I really believe women look at technology differently and they have fewer opportunities to excel.

FACT: Women have less access to capital to grow and develop technology companies. So if you have some interesting technology you helped develop, let me know.

We'll examine the technology in terms of how it is used now and how it might be used in the future and the issues related to capital and society.

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